I created a free sample course which you can join to see what it looks like and how I organized the premium course.

I have added a video lesson where you can see the phrases and repeat them slowly together with me. Such a video lesson is followed by one more video with music only, so you can try to say these phrases out loud. Next, there are various games, exercises, flashcards and tests which you can come back to in order to practice what you have learnt. Finally, after each topic I added downloadable pdf exercises for you to practice when you are not online.


The only difference between the free SERBIAN PHRASES course and the PREMIUM SERBIAN PHRASES is in the number of the topics covered.

This is an ever growing course, covering 20 vocabulary topics and every day situations in Serbian.


As you can see in the free version of this course, it is somewhat an experiimental course which was made for my students who told me this kind of learning helps them most.

Namely, by learning chunks of language, whole phrases and collocations and using these phrases in different situations proved very useful. It is really for the mixed level - starting from the basics, leading you from elementary to intermediate level. The advantage is that you can use the same phrases in the present tense and in the following ones in the past and future. You'll improve your knowledge and confidence must faster.